Two words: Lace Leggings. Yes, I said it-lace leggings! I have been kind of down on leggings the past few years preferring tights instead (Target Assets are AMAZING- they help shape and slim the thighs and rear). I was all over lace tights as soon as they hit the runway. Unfortunately my favorite pair met their demise after an incident with a large cocktail ring. Since then I have been looking for something a tad bit thicker. And voila- LNA has decided to answer my prayers with their amazing lace leggings. Not only is the lace pattern absolutely gorgeous they finished them with ankle zippers!!! I'm counting down the days until their arrival when I plan on wearing them 24-7. Order yours now!
xo amanda

When will you get more of those fab lace leggings? I'm so wanting some! x.